Setup on Grants Stack
Detailed Walkthrough 🛣️
Last updated
Detailed Walkthrough 🛣️
Last updated
Before initiating your round on Grants Stack, make sure to run through the setup process here and be prepared with all the required details. (Note: Gitcoin's round details will be visible - please duplicate and complete for your specific round).
For starters, select which chain you want to create your round on.
If you don’t have a program yet on that chain, you can start by creating a program following the steps outlined in Creating a Program . If you already have an existing program, select the program from which you would like to deploy a Quadratic Funding Round in. For this example, we go into the Gitcoin Grants Stack Program.
Once under the program, you can create either a Direct Grant or a Quadratic Funding Round if you haven't yet created a round. Just select Quadratic Funding and then click + Create Round.
On the next screen, you can enter details for the round. There are a few important moving parts to this page, so we’ll tackle each to ensure you understand them well.
First, you will want to name the round and provide the Support Input. For Support Input, this is how applicants applying to your round will contact you for questions, concerns, status, etc. Once you have selected the kind of input, you can add the contact info (links, email address, website form link, etc) in the Contact Information field.
Next up, set the dates for your Application and Round periods. For your round, you can enable “rolling applications” if you want which will allow you to accept applications through the end of the round. You can also set overlapping application and round periods with your own custom dates, i.e. you can set your application end date to be after your round has already started.
The last step on this page is denoting if you want your round to show up on the Gitcoin Explorer site. We find that programs that wish to have open and transparent community-focused programs desire this visibility, whereas other programs may have reasons for keeping things a bit more private. Whatever your preference, we can accommodate 🤝
On the next page, you’ll be able to configure your Funding Settings for your round.
First, please select your payout token and set the matching fund pool for your round. The payout token is the token that you will use to distribute matching funds to your grantees. The payout tokens available depend on the chain that you’re deploying your round on — for this test round on Optimism, both DAI and ETH are available as payout tokens. Matching Funds Available refers to the amount of funds you want to designate in your round’s matching fund pool.
Next, you can configure your round’s Matching Cap, Minimum Donation Threshold, and Sybil Defense settings. If you choose to set a matching cap, the cap will be the maximum percentage of your overall matching pool that a single grantee will receive. If you choose to set a minimum donation threshold, that will be the minimum donation amount required to be eligible for matching. If you choose to protect your round with Gitcoin Passport, then only donors that have a valid Passport score will be eligible for matching. Learn more about Passport here.
Once you have completed all these steps, click Next at the bottom of the page. You will be directed to the next page, which focuses on Round Eligibility.
From here, you can enter a description of your round along with any round eligibility requirements. Both the round description and eligibility requirements will be visible to users when they are applying.
Once done, click on Next.
The next page is where you will denote what information applicants must share when submitting their application. It has three sections: Project Information, Project Socials, and Application Questions. It is important to note that some personally identifiable information would be public on Explorer.
Starting with Project Information, you can see that general details such as Project Name, Website, Logo, Banner, and Description are available. This information will be collected by default during the project creation process on Builder.
Next up, Project Socials. This is where you can indicate if applicants are required to have a valid Twitter or public Github profile in order to apply. By default, both Project Twitter and Project Github will be set to optional. You can choose to toggle on requiring either socials, and/or verification of those socials. If verification is required, grantees will be prompted to verify ownership of their socials on Builder in order to apply.
Last, Application Questions. This is where Round Operators can input the application questions that they want their grantees to answer. Some questions are included here by default - you are welcome to remove any and/or add your own.
This page also allows the option to create custom questions. Just click on the + Add question button on the page, and you will be presented with options for various fields. Select the field that makes the most sense for your purposes.
You will notice slightly different options for customization with each field type. Of note on all fields is that you can denote if optional, encrypted and Hidden from Explorer. Choose the option(s) that make sense for you, and when done, hit Add.
Once you have completed all these steps, it’s time to Launch. Just click the Launch button at the bottom of the page. You will see the on-chain magic start to occur and be prompted to confirm a transaction.
That’s it! You should see a page like this if the round is deployed correctly. You are now in business, anon.
Now that the round is deployed, you can manage the different aspects of it in the same interface.